Tuesday, June 5, 2018


The mystery which was so commanding and powerful had been reintroduced. It created kind of teenage butterflies , but it also had the serenity to calm and sooth the soul. The mystery had the ability to reduce him to nothing in seconds, as well as complete him to everything within moments, make him behave like a nervous little child as well as a mature & thorough gentleman having the awareness of the universe, both at the same time. This state was similar to ripples created in water when a stone hits the water surface, wherein the madness is created and tranquility achieved within seconds, similar to a doped state, which can be achieved by weed as well as meditation, choice being yours. Just like the universe is getting created and destroyed by the supreme force in the same time and space again and again. Long standing and unforeseen confusion eventually felt like absolute clarity.

The magnitude of emotional attachment and divine love was such at the first place that he chose consuming a lifetime poison over the option of loosing his mystery. A parallel world was created with a person bearing virtual identity and the real one left untouched as pious as the god himself. Fear of loosing the best you aspire, makes you opt an alternative. Alternative is just life and the best is god and you seldom get to be with god. However, Thou shall reunite with either god or the soul who 
introduced the godly feeling of love not today, not tomorrow but someday in some time and space. Might be that you have shared a life with them earlier, that is why you feel elevated by a mere thought of them. The mystery is the only medicine to which ones body, mind and soul respond in the best ways, it feels so right. There must be some connection else how is it possible that out of millions of lives, you feel it for that one person exclusively. 

The mysterious matter stuck in the brain makes your day sparkle. You just don't have to beg to have a visual of the one, you just have to close your eyes and magic happens. Ever wondered what this magic is, ever wondered what this sensation is? He could not make out. Just like in science they say energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, in the same manner love cannot be created nor be destroyed, it can only be felt and you can ride the feeling helplessly with a let loose state of uncontrolled elevated spirits. 

The perfect sync of hearts which race together happily in deep love is an unbelievable phenomenon.Such state if reached can unlock tremendous energies and abilities in a person. 
The thoughts presented are the mere reflection of this state which is beyond the comprehension of conscious mind. So, he rests his arguments for now to enjoy his mystery which was lost , found, retrieved and may be again will be lost.

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