Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Lord Shiva the creator consumed poison for sustaining life on this earth. Poison is an integral part of this universe which has to find a place to dissolve, to settle down. It reverberates through the senses deep inside from the tiniest particle to the whole some being "the identity". The mystery of life & death can be deciphered from the fact that, if the master of the universe has consumed poison, so how can the creation be without it. This portion of poison comes in a living being by virtue of birth on this earth & slowly dissolves within the living beings affecting the molecular formation, the cells, the blood, the muscles, the organs, the body & lastly the spirit. 

When it dissolves itself into the soul, the tiny consciousness which we have compared to the bigger unfathomable consciousness of the universe breaks, life processes end & the soul gets released from the bounds of its worldly illusions, mirror like "me" is dusted.

When we grow to adolescence, we grow with an ego not less than a mountain. This reflects not to the "me" but to the universe, the absolute & then the reflection treats your ego going ahead by making you realize that you do not control a fig on this earth & everything is moving as per a divine plan beyond human understanding. You are a small piece of dirt, full of filthy human emotions, illusions & weaknesses.The ego needs to be crushed to death again & again so that the self realization repeats itself for you to feel easy when the "poison" i referred above dissolves itself into you steadily.

In plain & simple words "Rest the soul & the body in true devotion of the mahadev (the supreme soul) as he is the only one who can handle poison, aur baaki kisi insaan ya farishte ki aukaad nahi iss zeher ko jhelne ki". 


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